Management Information Sheet

Norfolk Learning Board - Transition Work Stream

MI Sheet TypeFeedback
MI Number:214/21
Publication Date:19/11/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Catriona Mitchell, Sapientia Education Trust
Audience:All schools

Norfolk Learning Board - Transition Work Stream

As you may well be aware the Norfolk Local Authority has established a Learning Board to help co-ordinate the educational landscape and the challenges we all face as a result of Covid 19. The Learning Board has agreed to two initial focussed pieces of work: one around inclusion, the other transition.

Jonathan Taylor - CEO of Sapientia Education Trust has agreed to lead the transition work stream. The intention of the initial work relating to transition is to:

  • Develop a framework for effective transition at all stages to ensure a minimum guarantee for all Norfolk children.
  • To draw on and share best practice based on case studies and research. Develop a more cohesive and coherent approach to transition including dates and core content.
  • Develop a range of materials, including the potential of an online resource to support pupils, parents and schools in the transitions processes.

We are seeking volunteers to join the work stream action group and to contribute to this work. The anticipated time commitment from any volunteers is likely to be in the region of 9 hours over the course of this academic year.

Alternatively, if you have any case studies of best practice / suggestions to share with the action group we would very much appreciate you sharing these with us.

Expressions of interest and/or case studies should be emailed to Catriona Mitchell at

Our work will encompass all phases of transition. We will initially be sending a brief audit survey next week seeking information from both primary and secondary colleagues relating to planned Y6 to Y7 transition this academic year. We would appreciate this being returned by the deadline that will be given. Further information regarding other transition points and plans will be requested in due course.

We hope that you will fully support the work of the Norfolk Learning Board in order to help further enhance the work around transition for Norfolk children.

Yours sincerely

Chris Snudden
Director of Learning and Inclusion
Norfolk County Council

Jonathan Taylor
Sapientia Education Trust

This MI Sheet also can be downloaded as a letter from Chris Snudden and Jonathan Taylor.