Management Information Sheet

Virtual School Offer for Children with a Social Worker

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:224/21
Publication Date:26/11/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Harriet Tunnicliff
Audience:Headteachers, governors, Designated Safeguarding Leads, Special Educational Needs Co-ordinators, mental health leads, early years leaders, college leaders in all FE settings, social workers

Virtual School Offer for Children with a Social Worker

The Virtual School for Looked After and Previously Looked After Children briefing recording is now able to be viewed online. Recorded as part of a consultation event held in November, the briefing summarises the initial response from the Virtual School following the extension of the Virtual School Head duties to include children with a social worker. The recording is now available and can be accessed at the link below:

Training and Support Offer Survey

We are keen to ensure we are working to capture feedback from all professionals supporting this cohort. Please take time to complete the following survey, your important feedback will influence and shape our extended training and support offer. It will take no more than 5 minutes of your time.

Please note that the closing date for completing this survey has been extended to 10 December 2021.

As part of our live event, we had the opportunity for professionals to share their experiences in working to support children with a social worker. For those unable to attend the event, we have created an additional opportunity for you to share your experiences by following the link below.

Experience supporting children with a social worker feedback link:

Thank you in advance for your support and feedback.

Please email the Virtual School mailbox for any queries you may have about the response to the new duties, we welcome your questions or feedback at any time