Management Information Sheet

Falling Roll Peer-Peer-Working Groups

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:225/21
Publication Date:26/11/2021 12:00:00
Audience:LA Schools

Falling Roll Peer-Peer-Working Groups

Statistics indicate a demographic decline in birth rates across Norfolk between 2015 and 2019.

It is very difficult to predict how these numbers will translate into pupils joining Reception as there are other factors to take into account, such as parental preference, movement in and out of the state school system and across borders. However, a number of schools have seen an affect that is impacting on school budgets, improvement planning, staffing, vision and the organisation within schools in light of these projections.

We have been running a series of peer-to-peer working groups, facilitated by the LA, for schools where they have a significant issue with falling roll; based on the size of the shortfall between PAN and actual pupil numbers in 2021 and over the past three years and the size of the school. These meetings provide an overview/context and the opportunity to work through the issues and identify potential solutions through sharing different models and best practice. Recent meetings have included:

  • Reception classes in maintained schools - EYFS Statutory Guidance and what the law says about Early Years Qualifications. Individual requests for guidance to be directed to Early Years Team. Tel: 01603 222300
  • Sharing of case studies
  • Timeline of events from Admissions and Finance to highlight key dates and processes throughout the year
  • Local solutions, collaborative working
  • Childcare Sufficiency Survey
  • Live admissions data
  • Pupil place forecasting information

Please visit: Norfolk Schools My School - Support Information - LA Schools Meeting - Falling Roll Peer-to-Peer Working Groups to access this information and guidance.

Our next meeting is planned for spring 2022. If you would like to be part of this working group, please contact: