Management Information Sheet

Recovery Premium Funding for Looked-After Children

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:227/21
Publication Date:03/12/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Hannah Collison Smith (01603 222292)
Audience:Headteacher, Senior Leadership Teams, Designated Teachers

Recovery Premium Funding for Looked-After Children

The recovery premium funding is additional funding provided by the government to support education recovery for the 2021-2022 academic year. The recovery funding for looked-after children is managed by the Virtual School Head.

The Virtual School will work with schools, designated teachers, and colleagues to ensure funding is used effectively and results in impact and improvement of educational outcomes.

The Virtual School is committed to:

  • Working in consultation with colleagues in schools to establish an offer to ensure positive impact on education outcomes
  • Supporting schools in the use of programmes with a clear focus on learning recovery
  • Developing a community of practice through the Designated Teacher networks to support knowledge and understanding of trauma and attachment, Post-16, SEND, PP+, and exclusions through high quality CPD, literature and sharing of current practices
  • Offering high quality (subsidised) CPD focusing on metacognition and regulation for schools and settings with looked after children on roll
  • PETXi tuition, GCSE POD, PIXL times tables and PIXL Unlocked available to those looked after children and young people who are currently at risk of not making expected progress
  • Differentiated and individualised enrichment and enhancement opportunities for looked after children and young people from all settings
  • Providing enrichment opportunities outside of the classroom to promote good mental health for all looked after children and young people
  • Providing opportunities for all looked after children and young people that may have been missed due to restrictions of COVID-19

If you would like further information, please contact

Web: Virtual school for looked after and previously looked after children
Twitter: @SchoolCic