Management Information Sheet

Election for an Academy Representative on Norfolk Schools Forum

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 09/12/2021
MI Number:229/21
Publication Date:03/12/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Marilyn Edgeley (01603223546)
Audience:All Norfolk Academy Trusts

Election for an Academy Representative on Norfolk Schools Forum

The Norfolk Schools Forum has a vacancy for an Academy representative, and we are therefore holding an election. Academy members must be elected by the proprietor body of the academies in the local area.


The Norfolk Schools Forum is an important statutory body which makes decisions on certain school funding issues and, at times, must be consulted by the Local Authority on other funding decisions.

The elected member will be in post from 19 January 2022.

The overseeing of the election of academy members has been delegated to Norfolk County Council by Norfolk Schools Forum.

All Academy Trusts, or Academies where they are not part of a Trust, are entitled to put forward one candidate for the election; nomination papers were emailed out last week. If you have not received your nomination paper please email

The closing date for nominations is Thursday 9 December 2021.