Management Information Sheet

Winter Preparedness for Schools

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:230/21
Publication Date:03/12/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:L&I Partnership Team
Audience:All schools

Winter Preparedness for Schools

Current pressures on schools are at the highest levels due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the risk of further outbreaks during winter present greater than normal challenges. Additionally, as winter approaches, staff and pupils in schools continue to be particularly susceptible to widespread infections such as seasonal influenza and stomach infections (such as norovirus).

The Department for Education (DfE) expects headteachers to keep schools open for as many pupils as possible whenever it is reasonable for them to do so, which is what we know all headteachers aim to do. Whilst schools will have contingency plans in place to keep the school open, it is acknowledged that there may be rare occasions where the health and safety of staff and pupils is maintained with fewer staff resources.

This overview and Risk Assessment will provide guidance to schools when keeping the school fully open becomes challenging. It aims to support schools to plan and mitigate against risks including:

  • Severe weather
  • Sustained staffing shortages as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and/or widespread infectious diseases
  • Utilities and local service disruption
  • Transport issues such as driver shortages, fuel disruption
  • Widespread absence due to infectious diseases and the potential requirement for deep cleaning

Over the past year, schools have developed a range of control measures to assess and manage the risks associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. Schools have developed systems for online learning provision, partial opening for different groups of children and young people and opening for limited hours during the day. We envisage these measures would be part of your Emergency Management Plan over the winter, avoiding whole school closure wherever possible. Schools will have access to provision such as:

  • Switching to remote learning at short notice
  • Some flexibility in terms of staff duties and activities
  • Larger groupings where appropriate, not compromising the school's risk assessment
  • Consideration of partial opening for groups of children, such as key workers, vulnerable children
  • Consideration of opening for limited hours

These arrangements should be communicated in advance to families and the wider community as part of your winter planning.

Key information to support you with winter planning

Severe Weather

  • For guidance on what to do before severe weather, during and afterwards, see Cold weather advice for schools.

  • Any decision regarding closure should be supported by the school's Emergency Management Plan and reported on the NCC Emergency Schools Closure system. Ensure you have read the guidance and instruction on how to close your school(s). This is the prime source for many organisations in Norfolk, therefore, even if you have other ways of notifying parents, please register your school closure through Emergency school closures.

  • For details of managing emergencies and business continuity and of support and services provided by NCC's Resilience team see Managing emergencies and business continuity.

  • For advice on attendance, please contact your Attendance and Entitlement Officer, or ring the Duty line on 01603 223681 or email

  • For HR advice regarding staffing, please contact your HR consultant or email

Remote learning links

Further advice and information

The GOV.UK website provides further advice regarding school closure during extreme weather at Guidance: Emergency planning and response - How schools and other educational settings should plan for and deal with emergencies, including severe weather and floods.