Management Information Sheet

COVID and vaccination correspondence from third parties

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:236/21
Publication Date:10/12/2021 12:00:00
LA Contact:Partnership advisers

COVID and vaccination correspondence from third parties

We have become aware of a number of instances where vaccination and covid related correspondence has been sent to a large number of schools (as well as to the County Council and direct to the Director of Public Health).

We recognise school's independence, but also want to ensure that you feel supported in dealing with these, at times complex, pieces of correspondence.

This relates to third party concerns from individuals unconnected with the school. Clearly, if parents or stakeholders have any concerns or questions, both Norfolk County Council and the Department of Education will be keen support you in helping to reassure individuals and address any concerns.

Data requests

We recognise that schools have plenty of experience dealing with information requests under Data Protection or Freedom of Information legislation. If the letter requests data, we suggest that you consider this in line with your usual processes. We would observe that many of these requests ask for data that will simply not be held by schools or take the form of questions. We suggest that, if they are a request for data, you simply respond with the appropriate Freedom of Information response. If the data continues to be requested, we suggest that you consider the ICO guidance on whether these requests might be considered vexatious.


Some of the letters can be quite accusatory and allege liability in respect of individuals for involvement with vaccinations etc. It is highly unlikely that any school following government guidelines will be in the position where action would be taken against them, and even more unlikely that any action could be taken in respect of an individual. If you receive a letter like this and you have any concerns at all, please pass to your legal advisors.

Legal claims

Some of these letters do appear to hold themselves out as legal claims. A legitimate legal claim will usually be titled as a 'letter before action' or similar and cite the rules and court in which the claim will be made. If in any doubt, please pass the letter on to your legal advisers.

Unreasonably persistent complainants

If you find that you are getting a number of pieces of correspondence from a group or individuals you may wish to consider changing the way that you engage with them. You might want to consider a single email address for contact; confirming that correspondence will not be answered if sent to any other address and/or stating that you will be only answering correspondence where a new request or matter is raised. If you have a policy in respect of unreasonably persistent complainants, you should adhere to it and be clear with the individual or group as to what the measures are and set a review date for reconsidering these measures.

This letter is not intended as legal advice but is intended to reassure schools and make some helpful suggestions as to how some issues might be managed. If you subscribe to nplaw's legal advice service for schools and would like assistance with any correspondence of this nature you receive, please get in touch at

For informal support on any of these matters, please contact your partnership adviser via L&