Management Information Sheet

Managing COVID-19 in education

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:15/22
Publication Date:28/01/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Health and Safety Team (01603 573562)
Audience:All schools

Managing COVID-19 in education

Vaccinations in Schools

The DfE have collated guidance on Vaccinations in Schools in a new Vaccination google platform.

The second phase of the in-school vaccination programme for 12- to 15-year-olds began on Monday 10 January. While School Aged Immunisation Services (SAIS) and the NHS remain responsible for the delivery of the vaccination programme, we learnt from the first round of vaccinations that having a single named person in school as a point of contact for SAIS teams helps the programme run smoothly. This was set out in the How to guide last term.

To support with this, NHS England are providing all schools with a one-off payment. Details of the Funding to support the rollout of the second phase of vaccination for 12-15s can be found on the new Vaccination google platform. This includes funding advice for those secondary schools who have no further visits from SAIS teams planned.

Caring for a Sick Child

Just One Norfolk have updated their webpages giving advice on caring for a sick child and practicing good hygiene. Please feel free to share these with parents and carers in your community.

School Closure Notifications

Please note that the advice on notifying school closures remains the same - where at least 50% of pupils or an entire key stage are moved to online learning or a similar proportion of the school is closed, this should be notified on the Norfolk Emergency School Closure System on My School. It is possible to notify closures for smaller cohorts, but there is no requirement to do so providing you have robust mechanisms to keep parents well informed.

Provision for Vulnerable Children and Children of Critical Workers

If operational issues necessitate the need to move to remote learning for some cohorts within the schools, on-site provision should be retained for vulnerable children and young people and where possible the children of critical workers. If you do not feel able to provide this please contact your Partnership Adviser.

As you will be aware, the criteria for vulnerable children has been expanded. If settings must temporarily stop on-site provision on public health advice, they should discuss alternative arrangements for vulnerable children and young people with the local authority.

The advice and support for any attendance related issues or support regarding inclusion remains unchanged. Please continue to contact your Attendance Link Officer or the Inclusion Helpline for these matters.