Management Information Sheet

Updated threshold/decision making guidance for Education Health and Care plan needs assessments (EHCPs)

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 11/02/2022
MI Number:17/22
Publication Date:04/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Sam McCallum (01603 224486)
Audience:Head Teachers, SENCOs, any staff supporting EHC needs assessment in education settings.

Updated threshold/decision making guidance for Education Health and Care plan needs assessments (EHCPs)

Guidance has been published on the Local Offer explaining local authority criteria and thresholds in deciding whether an EHC needs assessment or EHC Plan is needed. All settings (Early Years, Schools, Colleges etc) should familiarise themselves with this document and use it as an ongoing reference tool when considering EHC needs assessment requests.

The threshold guidance is written in the context of the local arrangements for Element 3 funding and aligns closely to the expectations of all settings based on their duties under SEN Support as set out in Chapters 4, 5 and 6 of the SEN Code of Practice. In order to make effective decisions whether to undertake an EHC needs assessment for children, the local authority requires current information and advice from the child's current setting and we ask that this is provided to the local authority at the point at which a request for an EHC needs assessment is made. If this information is not submitted at the point of request, the local authority will need to return to the child's school or setting to obtain this information which builds in unnecessary delay to the EHC needs assessment process. Having good quality information up front enables the local authority to expedite decision making; we therefore ask that settings support the local authority by providing us with clear, high quality evidence at the point a request for an EHC needs assessment is made, including any support/assessments you may have received from the following:

  • SEND and Inclusion support from NCC
  • Education Psychology support service (EPSS) including Core Consultation
  • External agencies/partners

The guidance is located on the Local Offer and is called "Norfolk Criteria for Education, Health and Care Needs Assessments and Plans".

You can find it here: What is an EHC plan? (at the bottom in the bullet points) and here Decision making (in the box at the side)

The guidance document supports the already existing range of documentation including:

  • EHC Plan format and template for Norfolk
  • A new and revised annual review report template for schools and settings following the annual review meeting
  • The proforma for schools and settings to make a request for an EHC needs assessment
  • Provision expected at SEN Support guidance
  • Individual needs descriptors

Any questions relating to these updated documents can be directed to your link EHCP Coordinator in the first instance.