Management Information Sheet

Statutory Assessment Headteacher Briefing

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 18/03/2022
MI Number:23/22
Publication Date:04/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Amanda Lowe (01603 303304)
Audience:Headteachers, Senior leaders

Statutory Assessment Headteacher Briefing

The second statutory assessment headteacher briefing of the year is coming up in March. This briefing will focus on the administration of statutory teacher assessment and testing, your roles and responsibilities, and LA monitoring through statutory moderation of KS1 and KS2 and test security visits. To support you in being able to access the content when it is convenient for you, we will be sending it to you as a recorded briefing, as we did for the briefing in September/October.

There are opportunities to attend live Q&A sessions, bookable through S4S. These sessions are an opportunity for you to have any questions answered about testing, teacher assessment, your responsibilities, data submission, statutory moderation, and more.

We will be sending the headteacher briefing on 14 March, to all Norfolk maintained primary phase schools and all academies and free schools who have chosen Norfolk as their statutory assessment monitoring services provider. There is no need to make a booking to receive this. The live Q&A sessions will take place between 4pm and 5pm via Microsoft Teams on 22, 23 and 24 March, and can be booked following this link.

If you have any questions regarding these briefings or any other questions relating to assessment or access to training past or future, please email us at and we will aim to respond within 2 working days. If your query is more urgent, please call us on 01603 303304.