Management Information Sheet

Call for support from schools and academies from Norfolk SEND

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 07/03/2022
MI Number:25/22
Publication Date:04/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Norfolk SEND
Audience:All staff

Call for support from schools and academies from Norfolk SEND

Norfolk SEND is asking for help from schools and academies to get responses to an important survey being launched on Monday 7 February.

Since the Ofsted/CQC Norfolk Area SEND inspection in 2020, a huge amount of work has been going on to improve services for children and young people with SEND and their families.

It is now vital that we take stock of the impact of this work to date, so we know where progress is being made and where we still need to improve to enable us to make informed plans for the rest of 2022 and beyond.

We've devised an online survey to capture feedback on education, health, social care, EHCPS, and wider support for families. It can be completed anonymously and should take no more than about 15 minutes. It's really important we get as many responses as possible. The survey is split into three parts: - one aimed at children and young people from 11 to 25; one for parents and carers; and one for professionals.

The ask is twofold:

  1. Please can you ask all professionals working with children and young people with SEND in any capacity to participate and fill in the professionals part of the survey
  2. Please can you share the survey with the children and young people with SEND at your school and their families and encourage them to participate.

We've included some resources to support you to make it as easy as possible. Please find in the pack:

  1. A template letter to share with children and young people and parents and carers explaining what we want them to do and why it's important
  2. A graphic and message you could use on any mobile platforms your school uses to communicate with parents and carers
  3. A picture and text you could use on your website.

The survey can be found at We also have produced an Easy Read version for children and young people which is available via this link. The survey will be open for four weeks from Monday 7 February to 5pm on Monday 7 March.

Thank you so much for your support.