Management Information Sheet

CADS Information for All Partner Organisations

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:26/22
Publication Date:18/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Kelly Waters, Senior Safeguarding Adviser (01603 307729)

CADS Information for All Partner Organisations

Dear Colleagues

I wanted to write to remind you about our Children's Advice and Duty Service, how it works, and what to expect when you make a call to raise a concern you might have about a child.

Hopefully it will provide assurance that even if it is agreed children and young people do not require a social work assessment or ongoing social work intervention, that there is a huge range of other support available across our wider early help system that can help meet need.

So please disseminate as widely as you can to your staff and teams.

Kind regards

Phil Watson, Director of Children's Social Care
Children's Services