Management Information Sheet

2022/23 Budget Share

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:29/22
Publication Date:18/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Samantha Williams (01603 222079)

2022/23 Budget Share

Schools' revenue budgets for 2022/23 will be available to view online from 28 February 2022.

Please ensure that you view all of the documents relating to the 2022/23 budget, as these all contain important information relating to the budget setting process. The documents are:

  • Schools Budget Share
  • School SEN Memo
  • Nursery Memo
  • Memorandum Items (de-delegation)
  • Indicative Energy Charge Memo

Please note the SEN and LAC Allocation Memos, which are password protected, will not be available to view as no allocations will be made until the new financial year. Passwords for accessing the memos will be sent to Headteachers at the start of the new financial year.

Additional documents:

  • Budget Share Guidance Part 1
  • Budget Share Guidance Part 2
  • Inflation document

Contact details

The budget planner software upgrade to version 1.09 will also be available from the 28th February 2022. If you have any queries, please contact in the first instance.

If you have a query regarding how a specific funding factor has been calculated please contact one of the Education Funding team:

Or email