Management Information Sheet

A Day of Welcome - Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary initiative

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 24/02/2022
MI Number:35/22
Publication Date:25/02/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Tanya Ingram (01602 303339)
Audience:Heads, Inclusion Leads, Wellbeing and EAL Co-ordinators

A Day of Welcome - Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary initiative

The Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary's initiative, A Day of Welcome (formerly Norfolk Welcomes), takes place on Friday 17 June this year. This annual day of learning for schools, is designed to support your school and families in marking Refugee Week (20-26 June) and to send out a clear message that our communities are welcoming places for those in need of sanctuary.

Last year 97 Norfolk schools took part in this fantastic event.

The EAL Advisory Team is working in partnership with the School of Sanctuary initiative to promote this year's opportunity for schools.

When you register to take part, your school will be provided with ideas, resources and activities to make it easy for you and your families to participate both in school and at home. Norfolk schools will be provided with additional resources, specifically designed to share little-known local histories of refugee migration from our county.

Also this year there will be two free author webcasts for KS2 which schools can take part in on the day - organised in collaboration with VNET and Young Norfolk Arts Festival.

For more information see the attached flyer, which you can share on your website and with others.

Register your interest today !