Management Information Sheet

Get your school ready to celebrate Norfolk Autism Acceptance Week 2022!

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:53/22
Publication Date:11/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Emma Joslin/Wendy Rudd
Audience:Headteacher/teachers/SENCO/Inclusion leads

Get your school ready to celebrate Norfolk Autism Acceptance Week 2022!

Are you keen to raise awareness and acceptance of autistic young people within your school community?

Take part in the first ever Norfolk Autism Acceptance Week, 28 March to 3 April, and inspire a culture of acceptance across your school!

To celebrate the week, a range of professionals have co-produced a suite of resources for schools to use. The offer includes:

  • Resource packs for schools to use at primary and secondary phases
  • Local best practice examples
  • Fully funded "Making Sense of Autism" training for staff
  • An opportunity for participating schools to share their experiences with us
  • Signposting to useful resources

If you'd like your school to get involved in this fantastic opportunity, click here to find out more and download your resource pack.

Please share with your SENCOs, teaching staff, and others who might be interested.