Management Information Sheet

Primary Phase Data Support and Training Package 2022 - 2023

MI Sheet TypeCPD
MI Number:54/22
Publication Date:11/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:The Achievement Team (01603 306407)

Primary Phase Data Support and Training Package 2022 - 2023

Following the challenges and disruption faced during the last two years, we want to support you and your school in understanding your context within the Norfolk and national picture. Given the very different experiences encountered by pupils and by different schools, we know that a detailed analysis will be more important than ever in to make sense of the outcomes, to provide clear information for leaders and governors and to support further learning.

This training and support package will start in July 2022. This will provide you and your school early access to data and ongoing support that is tailored to your individual needs, helping you prepare for the new academic year.

This package will be built around an extended range of dashboards developed to support school, Federation and MAT analysis. Starting directly after Primary Assessment outcomes in July, this package will provide you with immediate access to full interactive analysis of early data supported by a termly programme for workshops and briefings.

What's included?

The package includes one delegate place (additional delegate places can also be purchased). Each delegate will have:

  • Access to the full range of interactive dashboards updated through the year (EYFS, KS1, KS2, QLA) - built from the Norfolk pupil level database shortly after results day
  • Early results online briefings and follow up surgeries in July and September - providing you and your school early access to data and support in the autumn term
  • Access to regular online and face to face briefings and surgeries across the year - to include ASP, IDSRs, question level analysis, mixed age classes, infant schools, juniors, in-school tracking, reporting to governors, subject specific sessions etc.

The package price is subsidised and will be based on pupils on roll and can be bought for individual schools as well as groups such as Multi Academy Trusts and federations. Following the success of our bespoke work with groups of schools, we would like to encourage you to purchase as a group where appropriate to support collaborative working.


In response to feedback from schools, the price of the package will be based on a base cost of £100/one delegate place and the number of pupils on roll. Any additional delegates will cost a further £100 each. Please see the attached documents for pricing:

To find out more please visit our webpage here or to make a purchase please complete this MS form here. or contact us at or call 01603 306407