Management Information Sheet

Future Network Connectivity Requirements

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 01/04/2022
MI Number:55/22
Publication Date:11/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:ICT Solutions (01603 475603)
Audience:Headteacher/SLT/IT Managers

Future Network Connectivity Requirements

The current Updata Infrastructure contract, which provides broadband connectivity to over 250 schools and academies is due to expire on 31 March 2024. Due to infrastructure changes, it will not be possible to continue with the Capita Updata service in its current format after this date.

Although this seems a long way away, Norfolk County Council (NCC) ICT Solutions are already beginning to review options for providing connectivity to schools and academies post April 2024. To enable us to produce a Statement of Requirements (SOR) we are looking for feedback on the following to help shape the future contract(s):

  • Your future connectivity requirements for education
  • Your future upload and or download requirements, as services using the internet have increased significantly
  • Safety and security requirements, such as filtering
  • Additional features as part of the package, such as remote access products
  • Your support requirements
  • Contract length
  • Any other feedback

Please can you complete this form by 1 April 2022.