Management Information Sheet

The EAL Advisory Service - Name change and new services / training available

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 17/03/2022
MI Number:56/22
Publication Date:18/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Tanya Ingram (01603 303339)
Audience:Heads, EAL Co-ordinators, Inclusion / EDI Leads and teachers

The EAL Advisory Service - Name change and new services / training available

Norfolk Country Council has taken the decision to adopt the recommendation by the Commission on Race and Ethnic Disparities to avoid the use of the term 'BAME'. Our team name will therefore now include the term, 'Ethnically Diverse Communities'. Our work has always involved support for schools to actively engage families of children from all cultures, and to ensure that diversity is acknowledged and celebrated. Our new name more clearly reflects this aspect of our work.

The services and training that our EAL/EDC Advisory Service can offer your school now include:

  • EAL advice, support and bespoke in-school training
  • Assessments of pupils - English, first language and EAL/SEN
  • Free, time limited access to telephone interpretation - via Language Line
  • A range of CPD, EAL networks and an E-learning Primary EAL course - Available from September to book on Norfolk Services for Schools
  • The Young Interpreter scheme - Fully funded
  • The EAL Inclusive Award - Funded
  • The Norfolk School of Sanctuary Award - Fully funded. See Norfolk Schools of Sanctuary
  • Membership of our EAL/EDC/GRT Google group forum - Free of charge

For further information about any of these services, please contact:

In addition you can Follow us on Twitter and Visit our Website.