Management Information Sheet

Outcomes of the CPD Needs Analysis Surveys

MI Sheet TypeFeedback
MI Number:60/22
Publication Date:18/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Katie Leightell (01603 306407)
Audience:All staff
Links:CPD Survey Headlines March 22.pdf

Outcomes of the CPD Needs Analysis Surveys

As you know, Norfolk County Council is working in partnership with CPD providers, to strengthen our collective responsiveness to your professional development needs. We recently developed a survey in consultation with the Norfolk Teaching School to stimulate their planning and design of CPD programmes which best meet the needs identified by you.

A big thank you for everyone who has kindly completed the survey - your information is invaluable.

Please find attached the outcomes of the CPD Needs Analysis Surveys. The information included is based on responses from the 60 schools and colleges who participated and the 41 Early Years provider responses. The issues identified will inform the Norfolk offer, as continuous professional development (CPD) providers work together to address needs identified.

As such, we want to ensure the findings are as representative as possible and will therefore be re-opening the survey until Easter, to ensure that all settings can 'have their say' and influence the offer available.

Please get in touch if you are currently looking for specific CPD in any area, as we can use survey outcomes where possible, to link you with local schools who have marked that as 'needed and in place.'

If you have any questions, please contact: or call 01603 306407.