Management Information Sheet

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun - Easter Holiday Programme

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:63/22
Publication Date:18/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Big Norfolk Holiday Fun team
Audience:All schools
Links:Easter holiday activities for children.pdf
Easter holiday activities for teens.pdf

Big Norfolk Holiday Fun - Easter Holiday Programme

The Easter holidays will soon be with us and there are still plenty of activities left to book on the Big Norfolk Holiday fun holiday scheme. Thank you once again for all the great work you've done so far this term in promoting the scheme to your families.

There is a fantastic range of activities for children and young people to take part in to keep them healthy, active and connected with each other during the holidays. Children will also receive a free healthy lunch as well.

We want to make sure that as many families as possible take advantage of the activities on offer. We would encourage you to continue to promote the scheme to parents using the attached flyers and to send out the booking code again as a reminder to all parents and carers with children eligible for free school meals.

We're working hard to make sure that as many spaces are filled as possible and really appreciate your help with that.

Extra vouchers for 'vulnerable' children - how to use them

Please also remember that you have been allocated additional Big Norfolk Holiday Fun vouchers. These are for children who are not eligible for free school meals but who may be struggling and could do with a bit of an extra help or a boost.

Please do distribute these vouchers to children you think may benefit from taking part in the holiday activities.

If you have any questions, please contact the team at

Looking forward to a fun and active Easter Holidays!