Management Information Sheet

Managing COVID-19 in education

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:64/22
Publication Date:18/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Health and Safety Team (01603 573562)
Audience:All schools

Managing COVID-19 in education

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Health, safety & wellbeing webpage

Please note that all resources on the Health, safety & wellbeing webpage were updated following the publication of the Living with COVID-19 guidance. If you have not done so already, please visit the webpage to ensure you are working to the most up to date guidance.

We will of course continuously update the webpage as any further changes are announced.

Protecting people most vulnerable to COVID-19

Children and young people previously considered clinically extremely vulnerable should attend school and should follow the same COVID-19 guidance as the rest of the population. In some circumstances, a child or young person may have received personal advice from their specialist or clinician on additional precautions to take and they should continue to follow that advice.

Vaccination has proved to be the most effective way to protect those at increased risk from COVID-19 and everybody should be encouraged to get all doses of the vaccination and boosters for which they are eligible. The Government and UKHSA will continue to communicate to people most vulnerable to COVID-19 about available clinical interventions, including vaccination and treatments, and also testing and public health advice.

All children and young people aged 5 to 17 who are at high risk can get a 1st and 2nd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine. Children and young people aged 12 to 17 can also get booster dose.

People who have a severely weakened immune system and are aged 12 and over can have a 3rd dose and booster (4th dose) of the COVID-19 vaccine

People with COVID-19 whose immune system means they are at higher risk of becoming seriously ill and are 12 years of age or above may be offered PCR test kits to keep at home and if they test positive they may be offered antibody and antiviral treatments by the NHS (although only some treatments are suitable for people aged 12 to 17).

People at high risk should have been made aware if they are eligible for treatments by either NHS England or their specialist consultant. If you know someone in your setting who may be eligible but have not been contacted, they may wish to contact their specialist consultant who will be able to confirm if they are eligible for COVID-19 treatments.

The vaccination offer will be widened to non-vulnerable 5-11 year olds later in the spring.

Please remember that it remains vital to continue with the baseline infection prevention and control measures you will find on the Health, safety & wellbeing webpage, and continue to;

  • Wash your hands with soap and water or use hand sanitiser regularly throughout the day
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a tissue or your sleeve (not your hands) when you cough or sneeze.
  • Put used tissues in the bin immediately and wash your hands afterwards
  • Make use of face coverings where recommended (e.g. on school transport)
  • If you are eligible, please take up the offer to get vaccinated.
  • Ensure good ventilation is in place

Contacting the Norfolk Outbreak Management Centre

Settings should continue to contact Norfolk Outbreak Management Centre (NOMC) via the online form if they are concerned about an outbreak and require further support.

The Management of Cases guidance clarifies that if you have met the thresholds outlined in this guidance you may have an outbreak, however you do not need to report this to NOMC unless you require advice or support. Please note the NOMC keep an eye on case reports and may also contact you proactively regarding the number of cases in setting and your infection control measures.

Please note that the NOMC is not open at weekends and now operates weekdays Monday - Friday 08:00-17:00 only.