Management Information Sheet

Support for families over the Easter holidays

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:65/22
Publication Date:18/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Sarah Jones
Audience:All schools

Support for families over the Easter holidays

To support children and families at the height of the Covid pandemic, the government provided additional funding to local authorities, first through the Covid Winter Grant and later via the Household Support Fund (HSF). In Norfolk, this was primarily used to fund free school meal vouchers, for eligible children, during the school holidays. The fund was a one-off grant to bridge the gap between the end of furlough and the Universal Credit top-up and to give extra support to those facing significant hardship, as the economy began to recover from the pandemic.

That funding has now come to an end, meaning that we are unable to provide free school meal vouchers over the upcoming two-week break.

We recognise that the cost of living is increasing and some families may continue to need extra support over the Easter break.

The government is continuing to fund the Holiday Activities and Food programme, known locally as Big Norfolk Holiday Fun, for at least the next two years. This scheme includes a range of free fun activities, as well as a free lunch. Places are provided on a first come, first served basis but there are still spaces available. There is a fuller update on this programme here.

Additionally, the Norfolk Assistance Scheme (NAS) is available to support eligible families, by providing financial advice and food vouchers. Families can also search for local support for food and finances, via the Community Directory

We would always encourage any parents who might need extra help to contact us on 0344 800 8020, so that we can help ensure that they are getting the support that they need.