Management Information Sheet

Changes to CADS opening hours

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 19/04/2022
MI Number:67/22
Publication Date:25/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Education Safeguarding Team (01603 307729)
Audience:Headteachers, DSLs

Changes to CADS opening hours

There will be a change to CADS opening hours from 8am-8pm to 9am-5pm with effect from 19 April 2022. The rationale for this change is because:-

  1. The vast majority of calls to CADS (90% plus) from professionals are received between 9am-5pm.
  2. Of those calls received in the extended hours, almost all are low-level enquires or related to cases already allocated to a social worker in the locality teams.
  3. It will allow CADS to use their resource much more efficiently and effectively, answering calls more quickly and having more staff focused on the calls coming in when there is greatest demand.

Any calls received outside of the new core hours will continue to be picked up by our Emergency Duty Team. Please only contact EDT outside of the new core hours if there are immediate safeguarding concerns that cannot wait until the next morning.