Management Information Sheet

Access Arrangements and Tests Administration Checklists

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 03/05/2022
MI Number:70/22
Publication Date:25/03/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Amanda Lowe (01603303304)
Audience:Headteachers, senior leaders, Year 2 teachers, Year 6 teachers

Access Arrangements and Tests Administration Checklists

Access Arrangements Resources

Amanda Lowe has created some videos and PDF presentations to give an overview of access arrangements for KS1 tests, Y4 MTC and KS2 tests. I have also created an overview of access arrangements and exemptions across primary statutory assessment from Reception to Y6.

The links to the videos are below, and the PDFs and videos will be available under the appropriate audience in the All resources section of the Norfolk Statutory Assessment and Testing web pages.

We hope you find these useful. Any queries, please contact us at

Test Administration Checklists

Amanda has also created two checklists to support those running the test administration processes for both end of KS1 NC Tests and end of KS2 NC Tests.

The checklists will take you through the pre-, during and post-test periods and will highlight best practice in test security and administration.

These will also be available shortly on the Norfolk Statutory Assessment and Testing web pages, as above.