Management Information Sheet

Element 3 Funding arrangements for the Summer term 2022 - REMINDER

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:73/22
Publication Date:15/04/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Alison Toombs (01603 307723)
Audience:Headteacher/SENCO/Inclusion leads/Governors/Finance staff

Element 3 Funding arrangements for the Summer term 2022 - REMINDER

We would like to give all schools and academies advance notice of Element 3 funding arrangements for the Summer term 2022. Current funding processes will continue.

Please note:

  • The Authority will carry forward current SEN support and EHCP pupil allocation of Element 3 funding into the Summer term 2022. This includes all decisions made for new SEN Support and EHCP Element 3 funding applications made during the Spring term 2022.
  • Similarly, any cases that have been allocated Exceptional Circumstances funding during the Spring term 2022, will be carried forward to the Summer term 2022, unless we have notified schools otherwise.

Actions for schools:

  • Schools only need to apply for NEW SEN support and EHCP pupil requests for Element 3 funding, including exceptional circumstances funding, which will require submission of an application form.
  • When making new applications, please consult in-house records or information available on My School to avoid duplicated requests. Details of how to access My School information is below*.
  • Application forms will be available on Perspective Lite w/c 18 April 2022.
  • When uploading applications to Perspective Lite please use the following naming protocol: School name/SEN or EHCP/Term/Year eg 'CastlePrimarySENSummer22'. Please ensure that all SEN support applications have clearly labelled (with child initials) supporting evidence for each child on your application and includes passwords if necessary.
  • Please note: if you are requesting a band amendment, please use the application forms.
  • Please ensure that you notify the Learning and SEND team ( where there has been a change of circumstances for a funded pupil eg, pupil has left the school.

We would also like to remind schools to check Perspective Lite for Spring term moderation outcomes which was made available during the week commencing 14 March 2022.


Application forms will be available on Perspective Litew/c 18 April 2022
Applications for High Needs SEN Support funding deadlineFriday 6 May 2022
Moderation of applicationsw/c 23 May 2022
Feedback to schoolsw/c 20 June 2022
New EHCP applicationsProcessed on a monthly basis and automatically allocated

Summer term Element 3 allocations (= 5/12ths year) - amounts applicable to both EHCP and SEN Support applications.

Banding descriptors and values for the Summer term 2022

BandDescriptors for High Needs SEND Top-Up Funding
  • 'Targeted additional support staff curriculum time' includes either one to one supervision or bespoke/small group interventions with an enhanced adult to child ratio.


  • the school making all necessary 'reasonable adjustments' (see PEaSS document)
  • the school implementing provision that is 'additional to' or 'different from' that already available to meet the needs of the majority of children/young people
  • the school maximising the use of the school's core offer as part of the Norfolk Local Offer
  • the school maximising the use of the Norfolk Local Offer
1. High Needs/Medical Needs
  • The child/young person requires up to approximately 50% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum
  • The child/young person requires monitoring due to their medical needs during curriculum time, break and lunchtimes
2. Higher Needs/High Medical Needs
  • The child/young person requires at least 50% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum
  • The child/young person requires close supervision due to their medical needs during curriculum time, break and lunchtimes
3. Exceptional Needs/Extreme Medical Needs
  • The child/young person requires 100% of targeted additional support staff curriculum time to enable their access to the curriculum plus full-time additional support staff time to enable their access to break and lunchtimes or for close supervision due to their medical needs


If you are interested in joining or observing our moderation group, please let us know. Many colleagues have found taking part good for their professional development.


Please contact the Learning and SEND team if you have any queries regarding the process for applying for Element 3 funding:

Our instructional video can be found on YouTube - Element 3 Funding

* Schools

To access your LAC or SEN child specific information you will need to access a two-way login process. Firstly, enter your login and password via your My School, then find the relevant SEN or LAC Memorandum you wish to view. Please then enter the password that would have been sent to you via colleagues in the education funding team. You will have received a password for each financial year and the appropriate password will need to be used to access the relevant financial year data you wish to view. If you are having trouble accessing the data and need your password resent, please email and a member of the team will contact you.


For specific child information which relate to your funding, please refer to your advances spreadsheet that you receive on a monthly basis. A breakdown of all your funding including child specific will be held within this document. Alternatively - please follow the school instructions above where you can also obtain this information.