Management Information Sheet

Feedback sought on Norfolk Autism Acceptance Week

MI Sheet TypeFeedback
To Be Completed By: 27/04/2022
MI Number:78/22
Publication Date:22/04/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Emma Joslin/Wendy Rudd
Audience:Headteacher/All Staff/SENCOs/SRB staff

Feedback sought on Norfolk Autism Acceptance Week

Thank you to all schools that took part in Norfolk Autism Acceptance Week!

If you used any of the resources published by NCC, we'd love to hear from you! Complete this short 5 minute survey to share your feedback which will help us plan for Norfolk Autism Acceptance Week 2023. It doesn't matter if you accessed the whole offer or only used one specific part of it, any and all feedback is valuable to us and will make next year's event even better!