Management Information Sheet

Inclusion and SEND Support for Schools - Summer update

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:82/22
Publication Date:22/04/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Josie Rayner-Wells,
Audience:CEOs, Headteachers and Principals, SLT, SENDCos, Pastoral Leads, RSHE Leads, MH Leads

Inclusion and SEND Support for Schools - Summer update

Welcome back to the Summer Term!

We have a fantastic offer of fully funded and subsidised Inclusion and SEND advice, guidance, training and resources for your school this half-term, supporting you to develop more inclusive school cultures and curriculums for the whole-school community.

Early Intervention and Prevention

Led by Josie Rayner-Wells, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Early Intervention and Prevention

Political impartiality workshop: This virtual workshop will help school leaders and teachers use the new DfE guidance to understand legal requirements relating to political impartiality in schools.

Let's talk about race - developing a shared language and practice: We are delighted to invite Professor Paul Miller to share his 'Let's talk about race' workshop with Norfolk's education leaders. Paul is the first black person to be appointed a professor of educational leadership at a UK university. He has been a secondary school teacher in Jamaica and in London and has written extensively on race discrimination.

Managing lunchtime moments: Fully funded webinar and resources to ensure your MSA's are embedding effective practice, promoting positive pupil behaviours that support whole-school improvement.

Emotionally Based School Avoidance Surgery Sessions: For some pupils Covid-19 may have created or exacerbated anxieties in engaging with school. These fully funded bespoke surgery sessions provided by Norfolk EPSS will provide targeted strategies to address individual pupil needs


Bootcamp (Primary): This fully funded webinar and accompanying RSE teaching resource will provide your school with everything it needs to extend beyond statutory compliance, embedding best practice RSHE.

RSHE Surgery: Provide opportunities to receive DFE updates, new resources, guidance, and solutions to common challenges.


Network meeting; Promoting peer support and pupil voice: This session will enable your school to promote and support pupil wellbeing through pupil voice and peer-led approaches.

New leads support session: This support session will equip new PATHS Leads to be effective and achieve a measurable impact through their role.

Norfolk Steps:

Step On Catch-Up: Available to schools and settings where Step On certification is currently in place; this training offers an ideal opportunity to bring all staff up to date with the Step On approach to positive behaviour management.

Steps Tutor Refresher: This training is compulsory for those wishing to maintain their Norfolk Steps Service Tutor certification.

Learning and SEND

Led by Alison Toombs, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Learning and SEND

Offer of support:

  • Training packages, including Norfolk SENDCo Now, SLCN Level 4 and a range of twilights - contact for information.
  • Adviser support for leaders and SENDCos in the areas of:
    • Identification of need (INDES)
    • Provision (IPSEF and PEaSS)
    • High quality teaching
  • SEND Forum; A forum to bring Special Educational Needs and Disabilities professionals together to learn, share and develop provision across Norfolk. An opportunity for Head Teachers, SENCos and SEND Governors to access a termly local forum, where they can meet with Local Authority adviser and specialists and form partnerships with other schools and academies.
  • SEND Support Plans: This session will provide an opportunity for discussion and sharing good practice to develop some consensus around what a good SEN Support plan should include.
  • SEN Information Report Sharing Good Practice: This interactive twilight will signpost available tools to support settings in developing their SIR. It will provide top tips from a recent audit and some examples of good practice. There will be an opportunity for settings to discuss and share good practice.
  • E3 funding: Element 3 is a pupil specific (Yr R to 11) funding stream which is for mainstream schools to access if they have children or young people with high special educational needs and/or disabilities.
    • E3 funding workshop
  • Access Through Technology service
  • Norfolk Portage Service

SEMH and Transitions Team

Led by Vicki Setters, Senior Adviser Inclusion, SEMH and Transitions

Offer of support:

  • Bespoke, intensive support for schools in relation to CYP that are close to exclusion
  • Support for schools with the transition of CYP that are placed via the Fair Access Team
  • Support for schools with ensuring effective Managed Moves
  • Exclusions Team support
  • Support with identifying whether an SEMH SRB application is appropriate

The Inclusion and SEND Helpline is available for urgent requests for support: 01603 307736.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please contact us on our mailbox, providing a single point of enquiry and entry to our services: