Management Information Sheet

Pupil Premium Plus - summer term 2021-22

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:92/22
Publication Date:13/05/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Clare Farrant (01603 307769)
Audience:Headteachers, Designated Teachers for Looked After Children

Pupil Premium Plus - summer term 2021-22

Norfolk Virtual School will continue to allocate £600 in the summer term for each eligible child attending a local authority funded school or academy, once the summer term PEP has been signed off by the Virtual School, with the exception of Year 11 pupils where the PEP takes place after May half-term.

Funding will not be automatically allocated for any Year 11 pupils if their PEP takes place after May half-term. If funding is needed to support these pupils, please contact the Virtual School Adviser allocated to that pupil, or Clare Farrant, our Pupil Premium Manager, in order to request the funding.