Management Information Sheet

We need your help to make Norfolk a county where every child and young person can flourish

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:100/22
Publication Date:13/05/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Flourish
Audience:School leadership

We need your help to make Norfolk a county where every child and young person can flourish

We're calling on organisations from all over Norfolk to make a Flourish pledge to improve the lives of children and young people in the county.

In addition to all of the fantastic work you already do for children and young people, we're asking you to make one new promise or commitment this year to make Norfolk a great place to grow up - a Flourish Pledge. This could be something that you're planning to further develop or improve for your children, young people and students.

Any school or college can get involved, big or small.

Our call follows the formal launch of our Flourishing in Norfolk Strategy at an event attended by schools, councils, health services, police and the voluntary sector this week.

At the event, which was called Together - Flourishing in Norfolk, representatives each pledged their shared ambition to make Norfolk an even better place to grow up and flourish for children and young people. This commitment will be followed in the coming weeks with specific pledges of what will be done to bring about real change in the coming year.

Flourish reflects what young people have said is most important to them: their family and friends, access to learning, opportunities to lead a good life, being understood, building resilience, respect for their individuality, feeling safe and being healthy.

We'd love for your school to make a pledge.

It's free to sign up, support is available to help organisations plan and deliver their pledge, and a colourful Flourish Pledge badge is available for participants to display and use in their signage, online presence and printed materials.

Anyone from schools and colleges to small community groups and venues, businesses, charities, parish councils, leisure and tourism providers, smaller teams within bigger organisations is welcome to join.

Organisations can make an pledges that will help children and young people in Norfolk to flourish. For example:

  • Supporting young people into work by providing apprenticeships, job coaches or work experience
  • Involving children and young people in decision-making in your organisation and championing their voices
  • Becoming a family-friendly employer - so that parents have flexibility to support their children and young people
  • Providing discounts or extra opportunities for children and young people
  • Developing new activities for children and young people in your local community
  • Supporting children with special education needs and/or disabilities (SEND) via initiatives such as autism-friendly hours or activities

You can find out and make your pledge at If you want more information of support to make a pledge, please email You can also help us to spread the word in your local community.

Thanks for your support

Sara Tough
Chair of the Norfolk Children and Young People Strategic Alliance and Executive Director for Children's Services at Norfolk County Council