Management Information Sheet

Barclays Bank - Authorisation of Bacs Payments

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:105/22
Publication Date:20/05/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:James Stanford (01603 22550)
Audience:Schools Finance

Barclays Bank - Authorisation of Bacs Payments

Please note when raising BACS payments through your Barclays Account:

  • Where the total batch payment is below £1000.00 only one authorisation will be required, which means a single authoriser will be able to authorise this payment.
  • Where the total of the batch is above £1000.00 it will require two authorisers to authorise, which means the first authoriser will log onto Barclays and authorise the payments, but the payments will not go through unless the second authoriser logs onto Barclays and completes the secondary authorisation. Once the second authoriser completes this, the payments will be processed.
  • Once the payments have been authorised, user can log onto Barclays and by selecting 'View Payments' can see if the payments have gone through or if there are any issues to be seen.

Therefore, we would like to advise any schools with only one dedicated authoriser that they will need to assign a second person as an authoriser. Forms can be downloaded from InfoSpace to request additional bank authorisers.