Management Information Sheet

Supporting newly arrived refugees - Info, training and resource

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:109/22
Publication Date:03/06/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Tanya Ingram (01603 303339)
Audience:Heads, SLT, Pastoral staff, Inclusion leads, EAL co-ordinators and teaching staff

Supporting newly arrived refugees - Info, training and resource

Information session - New arrivals from Ukraine

Our information session on 15 June will give schools with or expecting new arrivals from Ukraine information around effective admissions and induction, use of interpretation service, EAL friendly teaching strategies/resources and also trauma-informed practice for schools. To book go to

Training session - For schools with refugee children

On 22 June, this will be followed up with a training session for schools with refugee children on EAL friendly teaching strategies and resources. To book go to

Children from Hong Kong - Bilingual resource

Also attached is information about 'The Welcome Magazine', which is a gift for incoming children from Hong Kong under the BN(O) visa scheme at primary school age, and a bilingual resource to help them feel welcome and learn more about British culture. It includes fun facts about life in the UK and signposts to local services and groups to further assist the child's integration. (There is also a chance to win family visit tickets to Warwick Castle by providing feedback on the magazine).