Management Information Sheet

Educating with Pride: making your school an LGBT+ inclusive space

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:111/22
Publication Date:10/06/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Alice Ndiaye
Audience:All phases

Educating with Pride: making your school an LGBT+ inclusive space

We want Norfolk schools to be welcome, safe and inclusive places where every child and young person can proudly be themselves. We are delighted to invite Sophie Reynolds and Fi Liew–Bedford from The Norfolk LGBT+ Project to share their "Educating with Pride" work with Norfolk's education leaders.

This webinar will provide a fantastic opportunity to talk about gender and sexuality, to discuss a topic that many feel unsure and uncomfortable about, and to ask questions in a space that is safe and supportive.

It will position schools well to be able to engage with two upcoming events; RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) Day – 30/06/22 which this year has the theme 'Celebrating Differences - Everyone Can Sparkle!' and Norwich Pride Schools Week - 27/06/22 until 01/07/22.

This workshop is hosted by Inclusion Adviser, Alice Ndiaye as part of a wider piece of work around equality, diversity, and inclusion in education. For more information, you can email

Attendance at this workshop will support schools and education settings in their LGBT+ inclusive journey by:

  • Creating a space for difficult conversations about homophobia, biphobia, and transphobia
  • Enabling reflection on homophobia, biphobia and transphobia in education and other sections of society, recognising the effect on individual
  • Providing opportunities to explore LGBT+ inclusive language for practice and develop LGBT+ inclusion within a whole school ethos.

Participants will receive the slides for this session enabling easier CPD cascading within their own settings.

This fully-funded workshop is aimed at education leaders from all phases. Places are initially limited to two per setting. Please book early.

S4S event booking page