Management Information Sheet

Hot weather - RED warning

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:131/22
Publication Date:15/07/2022 12:00:00
LA Contact:Health and Safety Team
Audience:All schools

Hot weather - RED warning

The MET office has upgraded its warning to a "Red" warning of extreme heat for Monday and Tuesday of next week.

  • The Educationhub has an article providing advice for schools and other education settings during a heatwave.
  • There is also guidance from the DfE for looking after children in Early years settings, that mostly applies to all settings.

Actions you should consider :

  • Letting children come into school in PE Kit rather than uniform
  • Not doing outdoor games/PE
  • Encouraging extra drinks bottles or time to fill up bottles frequently and extra breaks to allow children to drink more.
  • Having lunch inside in order to shelter from the sun at the hottest time of the day
  • Reminding parents to send their child with water bottles, suncream and sun hats (also for the way to/from school)
  • Talking to children about staying safe in the sun and the importance of drinking plenty of water
  • Ensure staff are aware of the signs of heat exhaustion and be prepared to seek help if needed
  • Consider the impact on people who have a serious or long term illness
  • Consider staff welfare
  • Consider the impact on educational visits (more advice on Evolve)