Management Information Sheet

School and Pupil Census Autumn 2022

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 20/09/2022
MI Number:156/22
Publication Date:20/09/2022 10:00:00
LA Contact:I&
Audience:Headteacher, all staff

School and Pupil Census Autumn 2022

Quick Guide

Important Dates:

Familiarisation Period for test files Closes at 4pm Friday 30th September 2022
Autumn School Census Day Thursday 6th October 2022
LA Maintained Submission Deadline Friday 7th October 2022

LA Maintained Schools must upload and submit to COLLECT no later than Friday 7th October 2022. Any LA Maintained school that cannot meet this deadline must email the Intelligence & Analytics Team (I&A) at i&

Academies, please note that the Local Authority (LA) is not able to see or assist with your School Census. Academies with any questions relating to completing the school census should contact the DfE helpdesk via email

Why is this Census Important?

The census is a key source of data used to calculate schools' funding. It is essential that all schools complete the census accurately and in a timely manner to ensure they are funded correctly. Failure to do so could result in a school missing out on funding to which it is entitled or receiving more funding than it is due and having to repay any overpayment.

Changes since the last Census

There are no new data items for the Autumn period of the 2022 to 2023 school census.

Existing Data Items

Post Looked After Arrangements (PLAA) Codeset

From Autumn 2022, the DfE have extended the codeset, to include 'O- Ceased to be looked after through adopted from state care outside of England and Wales'.

Changes to School Led Tutoring

For the 2022 to 2023 academic year, the school census will collect data about all tuition via the National Tutoring Programme (NTP). Previously only data about school-led tutoring was collected, however any tuition provided via the NTP must now be recorded in the census- including school-led, tuition partners and academic mentors. Record all pupils who have received any tutoring via any NTP route in the 2022-2023 academic year, up to and including census day and irrespective of whether the pupil is eligible for pupil premium. Pupils who are expected to receive tutoring but have not yet started at the census day should not be recorded as receiving tutoring. Tutoring courses for each pupil are advised to be 12 to 15 hours, and if a tuition session is cancelled it shouldn't be recorded. NTP data gathered via the census to determine levels of funding to schools within the academic year.

There are no deleted data items for the Autumn period of the 2022 to 2023 school census.

DfE Sign in

Please remember to check you can login to COLLECT before Census day, using the following link:

Census Checklist

For extended checklist see separate document called Census Preparation Checklist
Before Census Day Check you can log into COLLECT using DfE Sign-In
Check your entry in GIAS is correct
Ensure that all relevant pupil data is correct on your MIS

Upload a file into COLLECT during the familiarisation period.

This will enable you to check for any unexpected errors and queries that may not necessarily show up in your Management Information System (MIS). Please note this familiarisation period closes 4pm on Friday 30th September 2022, and the Census will not show up when you log into COLLECT. The blade will return on Census day ready for you to upload and submit your return.

Census Day

Upload to COLLECT via Secure Access

Once you have had your return approved by your Head/ Data manager then:
Login to COLLECT via the DfE Sign-in and upload your xml file.

Check for Errors & Queries

Open your return and check for errors and queries within COLLECT. To clear errors, amendments may need to be made within your MI system and a new file uploaded. Queries need checking and either data amending within COLLECT along with an appropriate note. Please see notepad guidance notes for acceptable wording.

Submit your file

Once you've cleared all errors and attached all notes to queries within COLLECT you can submit your file.

After Census Day

Approval and Authorisation

If you are an LA Maintained School, NCC will check through your Census looking for additional errors. We may contact you if we have any questions regarding this. Once we are happy with your Census file we will approve it and send it to the DfE to authorise. If there is a problem with the data, the DfE will not approve the file and we will be in touch.

Post Approval Checking

NCC will continue to run checks on the Census data and may still get in touch with you with queries even after the DfE have approved your file.


Further guidance on submitting your school Census can be found at Norfolk Schools website or on the DfE website at