Management Information Sheet

Early Years Funding Formula Consultation - Autumn 2022

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 15/11/2022
MI Number:182/22
Publication Date:18/10/2022 10:00:00
LA Contact:Martin Brock; Su Rushbrook (01603 223800)
Audience:Headteachers and Governors

Early Years Funding Formula Consultation - Autumn 2022

The Local Authority plans to consult with early years providers via an online survey to gather views on the methodology to determine the funding formula for the 2023-24 financial year.

The formula used to determine the amount paid to Early Years providers for early education has been in place since the introduction of the Early Years National Funding Formula in April 2017.

Therefore, the Local Authority, Norfolk County Council (NCC), plans to look at what we can do to change the way we calculate these payments for early education within the current dedicated schools grant allocation received for Norfolk to meet local need and priorities.

The outcome of this consultation will inform the approach Norfolk County Council takes to setting the formula for distributing Early Years Funding from April 2023.

Early Years providers will be asked to complete an on-line survey. We hope that this will ensure that as many views are gathered as possible.

The survey will be available from Wednesday 19 October to Tuesday 15 November 2022 via the webpage Local funding formula - Schools (

If you have a specific question regarding the survey, please email Martin Brock or Su Rushbrook at