Management Information Sheet
Updates to our online incident reporting system (OSHENS)
Our online incident reporting system (OSHENS) has been updated to ensure that we know where an incident may have been influenced by protected characteristics in order to take appropriate action and be able to produce data on these incidents for analysis.
This is a mandatory field for completion when you report an incident, please select one of the following that applies:
- not applicable
- prefer not to say, or
- the most relevant protected characteristic
You will find this new field after you have filled in the "what happened" section.
When you are completing the "what happened" section you will also notice that there are two new fields which have been added for Norfolk Fire and Rescue Service (NFRS). These are part of future system developments and should not be used by anyone at this time.
Please let your team members know about this new feature and ensure where they have identified an incident relates to a protected characteristic that you take the appropriate action. Further information on dealing with these and related incidents can be found here.