Management Information Sheet

Consultation on School term dates and holiday dates for 2024/25

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 13/12/2022
MI Number:192/22
Publication Date:01/11/2022 10:00:00
LA Contact:Caroline Money
Audience:Headteachers and Chair of Governors

Consultation on School term dates and holiday dates for 2024/25

Local Authorities have a duty to set the school term dates for local authority maintained schools, such as community and voluntary controlled schools. Foundation, Trust, Voluntary Aided Schools and Academies are responsible for setting their own term dates. In practice, most of the schools in Norfolk use the same term dates.

Schools must be open to pupils for 190 days in an academic year and 195 days for teachers. Home to school transport will be provided on the days the school is open to pupils.

Norfolk County Council works with other local authorities nearby to set proposed dates for an academic year - this is known as the Eastern Region Model Calendar. We do this because we feel it is better to have a co-ordinated approach to setting school term dates to minimise the impact on families and school transport providers.

Norfolk County Council is consulting on the proposed term and holiday dates for 2024 - 2025.

This consultation will close on 13 December 2022. The results of the consultation will be published on Norfolk County Council's Website in Spring 2023. To view the proposed calender and comment please visit our survey at or email