Management Information Sheet
Inclusion and SEND Support for Schools - Autumn 2
The Inclusion & SEND team has a fantastic offer of fully funded and subsidised Inclusion and SEND advice, guidance, training, and resources for your school this half-term, supporting you to develop more inclusive school cultures and curriculums for the whole-school community.
The following may be of interest to CEOs, headteachers / principals, senior leadership teams, behaviour leads, inclusion leads, SENDCos, pastoral leads, RSHE leads, mental health leads, teachers, and teaching assistants.
The attached document provides more information and links about the following offers:
Early Intervention and Prevention
Led by Josie Rayner-Wells, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Early Intervention and Prevention
- RSHE toolkit
- Anti-Racism in Education Norfolk Network Meetings
- RSHE Surgery
- Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE): The preventative and responsive role of RSHE
- RSHE Bootcamp - Secondary
- RSHE thematic webinars: Anti-Bullying Week 2022: Reach Out
- Mental Health and Wellbeing (MHWB) Network Meeting
- DESTY One to one
- SEMH e-learning offer (5 modules)
- PATHS® Network Meeting: A Whole School Approach to Emotional Health and Wellbeing
- Norfolk Steps
- New 7-module programme plus link to launch video
- Steps Lead Professional Training for special schools and non mainstream settings
- Steps Lead Professional Training for mainstream schools
- Steps webinars
Learning and SEND
Led by Alison Toombs, Senior Adviser Inclusion, Learning and SEND
- Training packages, including Norfolk SENDCo Now, SLCN Level 4 and a range of twilights
- Adviser support for leaders and SENDCos in:
- Identification of need (INDES)
- Provision (IPSEF and PEaSS)
- High quality teaching
- SLCN Level 4 Award
- Norfolk SENDCo Now
- High Quality Teaching and SEND
- Supporting transitions
- Provision Expected at SEN Support (PEaSS)
- SEND Shared Support
- INDES Moderation Panel
- Supporting learners with SEMH needs
- SEND Modules
SEMH and Transitions Team
Led by Vicki Setters, Senior Adviser Inclusion, SEMH and Transitions
- Bespoke, intensive support for schools in relation to CYP that are close to exclusion
- Support for schools with the transition of CYP that are placed via the Fair Access Team
- Support for schools with ensuring effective Managed Moves
- Exclusions Team support
- Support with identifying whether an SEMH SRB application is appropriate
If you have any questions or suggestions, please email