Management Information Sheet

INDES School to Post 16 SEND Data Transfer Pilot

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:196/22
Publication Date:08/11/2022 10:00:00
LA Contact:Inclusion and SEND (01603 307736)
Audience:SENDCos, Careers Leads, Leads for Y11 to Y12 Transition, Senior Leads for SEND & Inclusion, Data Managers, Help You Choose Leads

INDES School to Post 16 SEND Data Transfer Pilot

The "INDES School to Post 16 SEND Data Transfer" is a 12-month pilot to establish an effective process for the exchange of SEND information between pre and post 16 providers and evidence the impact of this knowledge-sharing with the aim of expanding the process across all Norfolk education settings.

The project will extend the use of an existing school SEND data profiler - the 'Identification of Need Descriptors in Education Settings' (INDES) - to Post 16 providers, supporting the young person's progression into further education and informing assessments, transition and referrals.

Twenty-five education institutions are taking part in the pilot including partner and Short Stay School for Norfolk progressing Year 11 CYP into participating FE colleges, Independent Training Providers and 6th Form College. Once, a Year 11 CYP has made their first choice of Post 16 provision, their school will make their INDES available to that provider via Help You Choose.

The pilot is fully GDPR compliant INDES profile transfers.

The benefits of this exchange include:

  • Early identification and clear profile of young person's needs
  • Supports census data completion
  • Will replace need to apply for Element 3 funding
  • Will support referrals across support services including NCC
  • Will support EHC needs assessment requests and annual EHCP reviews
  • Transitions will be better informed and understood

The pilot began in September with schools uploading INDES and - from the New Year - participating Post 16 providers will be able to see the SEN needs of young people joining them in September 2023.

For more information, please contact 01603 224436 or 01603 307736