Management Information Sheet
Food vouchers for Free School Meal eligible pupils
NB: Where appropriate, please pass this message onto the person in your school/trust/college that orders food vouchers for eligible children.
Reminder for HSF2 vouchers - April 2022 to 31st October
We have several schools and colleges who haven't ordered all of their September and October vouchers for HSF2. Please ensure you are able to action, so parents do not go without the vouchers they are entitled to.
Reminder for HSF3 vouchers - 1 November 2022 to 30 April 2023
We are asking all Norfolk schools and colleges to order vouchers to cover the period 1 November 22 - 30 April 2023 via the NCC EdenRed portal. This also includes children in the early years who receive EY Pupil Premium and those in post-16 education in receipt of bursary funding to the value of £15 per month per child with an additional £30 voucher in December.
NCC is covering the cost of these vouchers. Therefore, to reduce the administrative burden on schools and to ensure all orders placed are distinguished from school term time orders and avoid being charged, please follow the instructions below carefully.
Note: If vouchers expire, they cannot be reissued.
The schedule for the placing of the HSF3 FSM voucher orders is as follows:Month | Value £ | Go live date | Expiry date | Monthly Order Ref | Consolidated Order Ref |
November | 15 | 11-Nov-22 | 18-Feb-23 | 1 HSF3 N | 1 HSF3 NA |
December | 45 | 02-Dec-22 | 18-Mar-23 | 2 HSF3 D | 1 HSF3 NA |
January | 15 | 06-Jan-23 | 13-Apr-23 | 3 HSF3 JA | 1 HSF3 NA |
February | 15 | 03-Feb-23 | 03-May-23 | 4 HSF3 F | 1 HSF3 NA |
March | 15 | 10-Mar-23 | 17-Jun-23 | 5 HSF3 MC | 1 HSF3 NA |
April | 15 | 07-Apr-23 | 07-Jul-23 | 6 HSF3 AP | 1 HSF3 NA |
Schools may place their orders monthly or consolidate them into 1 order with the go live dates as in the table above. Depending upon which option you choose, please use the correct order reference as shown in the columns above.
It is important that if you choose the consolidated order option you enter the correct 'go live' dates on your CSV file before uploading it into the EdenRed portal so that the vouchers do not become available to parents/carers too early.
Please DO NOT use 1HSF3 NA and order a total of £120 of vouchers to be delivered on 11 Nov 2022.
Please refer to your Edenred user guide for instructions.
For further information, please refer to MI 174/22 or contact the Free School Meals (FSM) Finance Team mailbox