Management Information Sheet
Reminder - Are you recruiting teacher(s) for a Spring 2023 start date?
Schools who have Early Career Teachers (ECTs) starting January 2023 need to take the following steps urgently if they have not yet already done so.
- Ensure the post is suitable for induction (2.17 of the statutory guidance)
- Register with an Appropriate Body
- Norfolk Appropriate Body (NCC) - Latest update from DfE - Please note reforms to who can operate as an Appropriate Body and timeframe for transition has now been decided by the DfE. Consequently, Norfolk Appropriate Body will NOT be able to register new ECTs from September 2023. We therefore recommend that schools with ECTs starting their induction/employment with them between now and September 2023, consider registering with one of the other local Appropriate Bodies.
- The Julian Teaching School Hub
- Inspiration Teaching School Hub
- Register ECTs, Tutors and Mentors with the Department for Education
- For schools wishing to use a DfE-funded ECF training provider, this step will enable your chosen provider to start working with your ECTs and Mentors.
- Be careful to specify the correct induction dates for both your ECT(s) and Mentor(s). For most, this will be the date that your ECT(s) begins employment at your school.
- For schools wishing to use DfE-accredited ECF training materials, this step will enable your ECTs and Mentors to access those materials.
- Informing your chosen training provider
- The Julian Teaching School Hub in partnership with Ambition Institute
- Inspiration Teaching School Hub in partnership with School Led Network
- University of East Anglia in partnership with Capita
ECTs must be registered with an Appropriate Body (2.26 of the statutory guidance). Registration with an Appropriate Body for ECTs must be completed in full by 10 February 2023 or the Teacher Regulation Agency will consider that the induction period has not started in January 2023, causing delays to ECTs' induction.
Locally available Appropriate Bodies include:
To register your ECT with an Appropriate Body, you will need to specify their QTS/TRN number; date of birth; induction start date; plus other information relating to your setting. The start date for induction should be the date when the ECT's induction programme formally commences. This may be a different date from when the ECT's contract starts.
ECTs and their Early Career Framework (ECF) Mentors must be registered with the Department for Education. You will also be asked to specify at this stage how you will deliver on the requirement for ECT training based on the Early Career Framework (2.39 of the statutory guidance) and provide Mentor(s) with training for their role.
For those schools wishing to use a provider, contact them in order that they can 'claim' your ECTs and Mentors from the DfE portal. Initial training will be in early January 2023, so prioritise this along with Step 3. Providers don't automatically find out that you want to work with them via the DfE portal!
Local providers include:
Due to Teaching School Hubs offering both Appropriate Body and training services, when contacting them please be clear as to which services you are requesting.