Management Information Sheet

Decarbonisation Strategy & Information

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:5/23
Publication Date:10/01/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Isabel Horner, Chris Griggs
Audience:Governing Bodies/Premises Committees, Headteachers, School Business Managers

Decarbonisation Strategy & Information


As we enter 2023, our journey to collectively reduce our carbon emissions must be at the forefront of our attention. This MI sheet gives a brief overview of the Local Authority's plans to reduce energy consumption across the school estate via a targeted plan of decarbonisation measures.

This information and strategy will be informed by the following:

Behaviour Change

Behaviour change is achievable and nil cost. We can all do something to conserve energy and save money in a school such as these TOP TIPS:

  • If you have light sensors, you can turn them off and it will save even more energy.
  • Checking site at end of day turning off lights and closing doors and windows.
  • Switching off non-essential electrical items at the end of each day.
  • Checking localised heating controls and adjusting where necessary to ensure local room temperatures are maintained.
  • Encouraging walking, cycling, or using public transport to get to and from school.

School managed decarbonisation projects

As a result of rising energy costs there is a focus on running efficient building infrastructure. As we are aware, schools have recently received an uplift in DFC for potential projects related to energy efficiency so we will be seeking to start a conversation as to where this money can be utilised between schools subscribed to BMP5 and Children's Services. The beginning of this will be a shared program of replacement LED lighting.

Extended school use

Extended school hours of operation - it is generally recognised buildings are used outside school hours e.g., breakfast and after school clubs. Additional use also includes 3rd party lettings which impacts on consumption.

  • Weather - this impact is on both the heating and the water use as most sites have school gardening clubs etc.
  • Increase in ICT equipment - steady growth in the use of PCs, laptops, games consoles and screens.
  • Bad practice - largest impact is leaving PCs and other ICT/electrical equipment in standby mode when not being used, lights on when rooms are not in use.
  • Air conditioning units being left on when rooms are not in use or overnight.
  • Maintenance of equipment - electrical and mechanical systems must be regularly maintained to ensure optimum efficiency.

Data collection

Data collection will form the beginning of our internal process. Norfolk County Council has been and will continue to commission feasibility studies and data collection of your school site to ascertain how and where improvements to the buildings' fabric and infrastructure can be approached.

Public Sector Decarbonisation Scheme (PSDS) & Low Carbon Skills Fund (LCSF)

As the government periodically announces funding for non-domestic buildings across the country, the NCC school estate provides a good opportunity for the Local Authority to bid for funding to facilitate our carbon reduction ambitions. Allowing NCC to make informed decisions on which sites to request for funding, that will have the greatest impact on our carbon footprint.

Energy efficiency (fabric first)

Measures such as replacement lighting (LED's), roof void and wall insulation as well as thermally efficient doors and windows. Only once this is achieved, we can look to install alternative energy sources such as Air Source & Ground Source Heat Pumps, hybrid boilers, and solar PV arrays. We believe now is the time to start reducing our dependency on fossil fuels at a local level so will endeavor to utilise energy from renewable sources wherever possible.

For further information on this or to register your interest please call Chris Griggs on 01603 223868 or email, or get in touch with your BMP surveyor.

There is a lot more information on the following website UK Climate Change - Let's Go Zero (

Additional information has been provided via the Department for Education,