Management Information Sheet
NEW Norfolk Early Years Communication Hubs launching this half term
The Early Years Learning and Achievement Service are now very pleased to announce that from spring 2023 we will be launching five new Communication Hubs in each of the following Norfolk districts:
- Great Yarmouth & East
- Broadland
- North Norfolk
- King’s Lynn and West
- South Norfolk
The new Communication Hubs offer has been co-produced with both system partners and early years providers using the extensive feedback we received from our Autumn speech and language questionnaire. As a result, here is what you can expect from the new Communication Hubs offer:
- Half termly network meetings that alternate between face to face and online delivery (as voted for by the majority of respondents).
- Evening meetings that start from 6:30pm.
- High-quality CPD based on the areas that providers told us they would like more support with.
- Opportunities to share best practice, build relationships and network with other local settings.
- Optional 30 minute ‘speech and language surgeries’ to allow practitioners the opportunity to talk to a local speech and language therapist and ask practice-based questions. (These surgeries will require practitioners to submit their questions in advance).
- Opportunities to speak with your local Early Years Advisor and Improvement
- Development Worker.
- Improved access to speech and language resources via a small resource library that practitioners can browse during face-to-face meetings. (In the mid-long term, this will be
- extended to a resource borrow scheme).
Whilst we do encourage practitioners to make use of their local Communication Hub, please note that practitioners can attend any of the five new Communication Hubs or one of the five pre.existing Communication Hubs listed below*:
- The North Norwich Communication Hub
- The Lakenham Communication Hub
- The Peapod Communication Hub (for community groups)
- The 0-2 Communication Hub (focused on 0-2 best practice)
- The Breckland Communication Hub
*Please note, the five pre-existing Communication Hubs established by the Norwich Opportunity Area, have their own offers and agendas. Please get in touch with them directly to find out more, using the details on this flyer.