Management Information Sheet
Take part in Children's Mental Health Week 6 - 12 February 2023
Children's Mental Health Week 2023 will take place from 6-12 February 2023. This year's theme is Let's Connect. These free resources for primary age and secondary age children and young people will help you take part in the week. The activities and resources are designed to encourage children (and adults) to consider how we can make meaningful connections that support our mental health.
Want to do more?
Whole-school approaches:
Access the DfE grant and join the Mental Health Lead Training for senior leaders to develop a whole school approach in their school. Use our wellbeing in education guidance and tools to audit your current practice, develop an action plan and prioritise activities to support all members of the school community. Join our Mental Health and Wellbeing Network Meetings to access practical evidence-based resources and illustrative examples of good practice, helping you make a meaningful difference for pupils within your school.
Meeting Title | Date | Time | Venue |
Peer Support and Pupil Voice | 09.03.23 | 15.45 - 17.15 | TEAMS |
Engaging Families | 08.06.23 | 15.45 - 17.15 | TEAMS |
Curriculum ideas:
The RSHE curriculum enables pupils to develop the knowledge, skills and values to support their own and others' mental health and wellbeing, including knowing when to seek help and support. Use our newly launched RSHE whole-school approach toolkit and join our primary or secondary RSHE Bootcamps to embed an effective provision of RSHE in your school.
Activities, including for tutor time
Mental Health Resources For Children and Young People | YoungMinds
Developing listening skills | DEAL | Samaritans
Signposting to support (pupils)
YoungMinds | Mental Health Charity For Children And Young People | YoungMinds
On My Mind | Resources for Young People | Anna Freud Centre
Kooth (11-25 years)
Chat Health 07480 635060 (11-19 years)
Signposting to support (families)
Mental Health advice and support for 0- 25yrs
Emotional health support and guidance
Just One Norfolk advice and resources for families
Parents and Careers | Advice and Guidance | Anna Freud Centre