Management Information Sheet
PP+ LAC funding for Spring and Summer Terms
Any outstanding PP+ LAC exceptional funding applications for the current Spring term should be submitted no later than Friday 10 February 2023.
Please remember that applications for funding should always be submitted before an intervention is put in place, as funding is never guaranteed.
With effect from the 2022-23 Summer term, schools eligible* for the termly allocation of PP+ funding will only receive the amount recorded under PP+ spend on the PEP outcomes page, up to a maximum of £600.
No termly funding will be allocated if there is no PP+ spend recorded on the PEP. Schools will still be able to apply for exceptional PP+ funding if costs are identified in excess of £600.
*Termly funding is not allocated to independent settings, non-LA maintained schools, short stay schools or PRUs.
For more information, please visit Norfolk County Council's Virtual School for Children in Care page.