Management Information Sheet
Big Norfolk Holiday Fun feedback
Thank you once again for your continued support of our Big Norfolk Holiday Fun scheme. We had almost 6000 places booked during December for vulnerable children which is a fantastic result.
We really appreciate all your support in sharing information with families at your school. Parents continue to tell us that they are more likely to find out about the Big Norfolk Holiday scheme from their child's school, so we know what an important role you play in getting the message out to the right people.
Share your feedback on Big Norfolk Holiday fun
We'd love to hear your feedback about how we can make improvements to the booking process and to the scheme, so please take a few minutes to complete the survey here - it will only take a few minutes.
We'd also love to know if there is anything we can do to make it easier for you to promote Big Norfolk Holiday Fun to families in your school. We're keen to continue to increase attendance at these events and get the word out to even more families as we go through the year so if there are any additional leaflets or posters or other promotional assets you might find useful, please let us know. If you aren't already aware of the free resources available, please check them out here
We're now working hard on the next holiday scheme which will run during Easte,r and we'll be in touch again at the end of February when booking is due to open.
We're also keen to hear from schools who may want to offer their premises and work with providers to offer a Big Norfolk Holiday fun scheme from your school site. Please check out the information about this on the Active Norfolk website, or email the team at if you'd like to find out more.Many thanks in advance for sharing your feedback and we look forward to telling you about our Big Norfolk Easter Holiday fun very soon.
Best wishes
The Big Norfolk Holiday Fun Team