Management Information Sheet

Help us gain your schools perspective on TITAN (Travel Independence Training Across Norfolk)

MI Sheet TypeAction
To Be Completed By: 03/03/2023
MI Number:30/23
Publication Date:07/02/2023 10:00:00
LA (01603 638293)
Audience:Headteachers, Deputy Heads, SENDCOs, Transition Leads

Help us gain your schools perspective on TITAN (Travel Independence Training Across Norfolk)

Children's Services are working in partnership with the UEA on a 3-year behavioural informed PhD project, First Steps to Independence: Evaluating a Behaviourally Informed Independent Travel Training Programme. This represents the first large scale randomised control trial to evaluate the impact of travel training nationally.

Our PhD student, Jack Keeble, is working to establish a baseline looking at the TITAN travel training scheme (Ready to Go), developed by Norfolk County Council for SEND/SEN students. This scheme is offered to all secondary schools in Norfolk, although not all schools are subscribed to it.

To help us understand what school participants think of the scheme we are offering the option of either completing an online survey or a 1:1 telephone call/online meeting with Jack.

Schools completing the survey (either online or via telephone call) will be entered into a raffle to win a £100 Amazon gift card.

To book a mutually convenient telephone call/online meeting with Jack contact

Survey for schools which are already signed up for TITAN/Ready to Go:

Survey for schools which are not currently signed up for TITAN/Ready to Go: