Management Information Sheet

Norfolk SENDIASS upcoming training for professionals and parent/carers

MI Sheet TypeInformation
To Be Completed By: 24/02/2023
MI Number:40/23
Publication Date:28/02/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Norfolk SENDIASS (01603 704070)
Audience:All staff

Norfolk SENDIASS upcoming training for professionals and parent/carers

We have free upcoming training for parent/carers, young people and professionals wanting to know more on the process of appealing a final Education, Health and Care Plan (EHCP), it focuses specifically on appealing needs (section B), provision (section F) and placement (section I).

DateAudienceMeeting type
28 Feb Parent/carersOnline - Limited spaces left
15 MarchProfessionals onlyOnline
21 MarchParent/carersFace To Face
5 AprilParent/carers and young peopleOnline

We have professional online training on the 6th March from Norfolk SENDIASS and Kids Mediation Service - Understanding Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) disagreement resolution and mediation for professionals across education, health, and social care.

Visit our website for more information and to book your place.