Management Information Sheet

Specialist Resource Base Expressions of Interest - apply by 17 March 2023

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:46/23
Publication Date:14/03/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Programme Management Team
Audience:All staff/headteacher/SENCOs

Specialist Resource Base Expressions of Interest - apply by 17 March 2023

Please follow this link to view the full Expression of Interest pack for Primary Phase Specialist Resource Bases.


Local First Inclusion is Norfolk County Council's next stage SEND Improvement Programme covering the period 2023-29. It marks the end of the first phase of our improvement planning, through the completion of the initial SEND & Alternative Provision Programme and our Written Statement of Action, having built the initial special schools and specialist resource bases and having a positive experience within the Ofsted/CQC inspection revisit in November 2022.

Local First Inclusion is directly linked to our ongoing negotiation with the DfE as part of their 'safety valve' programme, to provide both DfE and NCC investment to return the High Needs Block to in-year balanced budget and address the cumulative overspend. In addition to revenue elements the DfE are also considering capital bids from NCC for two more special schools alongside the council's ongoing £120 million SEND capital investment.

Local First Inclusion will continue the expansion of specialist provision, to reduce our reliance on high-cost lower quality independent sector provision but will have a renewed focus on mainstream inclusion and a reduction in the reliance on Education Health and Care Plans.

Key messages

  • Local First Inclusion is all about improving outcomes for children and young people with SEND ensuring, wherever possible and appropriate, they can attend school close to their home/in their community with the support they need to make progress in their learning alongside other children of the same age.
  • We are improving support to schools/school leaders and increasing funding to schools to ensure they have the resources and expertise to provide the right support for children and young people with SEND.
  • We anticipate fewer EHCPs will be issued to children and young people because there will be better support available in the mainstream system
  • Our state-funded special schools offer an excellent and high-quality education for children and young people with higher needs SEND and we're investing in more state specialist provision for those children and young people with higher needs.

We are establishing an Executive Board to oversee the Local First Inclusion programme with quarterly reporting to the DfE for the entirety of the six year programme. We have secured 6 representatives from the Schools Forum and we will ensure that all school leaders are provided with regular updates and ways to get involved.

This current Expression of Interest process is for Primary Phase Specialist Resource Bases - with a closing date of 17 March 2023. We will be working with secondary school leaders over secondary school developments and more information will be available in the summer term.