Management Information Sheet

Briefing for secondary schools re the adolescent vaccination programme

MI Sheet TypeInformation
MI Number:57/23
Publication Date:21/03/2023 10:00:00
LA Contact:Sarah Barnes RN, SCPHN, Queens Nurse Health Protection Lead
Audience:Secondary schools

Briefing for secondary schools re the adolescent vaccination programme

Please find attached the PDF document: Briefing for Secondary Schools.

For the most up-to-date copy of the Adolescent vaccination programme briefing for secondary schools, visit the website.

This briefing was produced last year partly to support the roll out of the secondary school flu programme, which occurred later in the season than primary schools. It was produced as an electronic document only to avoid the risk of outdated printed copies causing confusion if policy decisions change in the future. It was disseminated by DfE colleagues to headteachers in January this year.

There have been reports nationally of schools refusing to share class lists, contact details or allowing Gillick competency assessment, this has been discussed at the national meetings recently and continues to be addressed with the DfE, in the meantime we are sharing the link and the document again so it can be flagged to schools if required. There are also further details on GDPR available here: